Etawah (Uttar Pradesh): In a shocking incident, two minor sisters were found dead with their throats slit in a village in the Balrai area of Etawah district on Sunday evening. According to police sources, the incident took place in Bahadurpur village under the Balrai police station area limits. The deceased were identified as seven-year-old Surbhi and five-year-old Roshni, daughters of Jaiveer Singh.
Police sources said that Jaiveer, his wife and their other children were not present at home when the incident took place. The bodies of the deceased have been sent for post-mortem examination and an investigation into this incident has been launched.
Sources said that Jaiveer and his wife have three daughters and four sons. The couple along with their sons were working in the fields while their three daughters, 18-year-old Anjali along with Surbhi and Roshni were at home. At around quarter to six in the evening, Anjali went to the fields. Sources said that Anjali returned home within 10 minutes. When she went inside, she found her sisters lying dead in a pool of blood with their throats slit.
Anjali started screaming after which her family members and neighbours gathered at the spot. Police were informed who rushed to the spot along with the forensic team who collected evidence from the spot. Sushila, mother of the deceased said that the girls were alone in the house when the incident took place. She said that the family had no enmity with anyone.
Police officials said that it appears that someone close to the family must have killed the minor girls. No accused has been identified by the family members yet.