Lucknow: In a rather bizarre incident, a woman in Uttar Pradesh capital Lucknow has lodged a case against her own husband for allegedly hiding his “impotence” and avoiding physical relation with her and getting treated for the disorder, sources said. The strange incident has been reported from the Krishna Nagar Kotwali area of Lucknow.
Sources said that the woman, a resident of Krishna Nagar's LDA Colony has lodged an FIR in the police station. In her complaint, the woman said that she married the man in Jan. this year. Right after marriage, when she asked her husband to have a physical relationship, the husband refused without specifying any reason initially, the woman said in her complaint.
She said that when she insisted her husband to have sex, the husband told her that they could not have a physical relation as he was impotent, the woman said. According to the woman, she was surprised to hear this, but decided to get her husband treated to save her married life. The woman accused her husband of hiding his impotence for the first six months of their marriage.
To make the matters worse, he is not ready to get his sexual disorder treated by a doctor, the woman said. According to the woman, she approached a doctor at a noted hospital in the city to get her husband treated for impotence. Despite this, the husband started refusing to go to see the doctor by making excuses, she said.
She said that the husband flatly refused to give samples for the tests. According to the woman, the man has solely married her to get the dowry. Krishnanagar police station in-charge Vikram Singh said that on the complaint of the woman, an FIR has been registered against the accused husband and his family members.
Legal action will be taken after investigation, he said.