Lucknow: The Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) of the Uttar Pradesh police has arrested two 25-year-olds allegedly involved in running an illegal telephone exchange in Noida, officials said on Sunday. The telephone exchange, run from inside a shop named, 'All Services Solutions' at Ubertech NPX mall in Noida's Sector 153, was used to convert internet-based international calls into voice calls, causing revenue loss to the central government, they said.
Acting on a tip-off, local police and Department of Telecom along with the ATS team arrested Abhay alias Aditya Mishra and Shams Tahir Khan alias Tushar Sharma from the shop on Saturday. Mishra is a native of Hardoi district in UP, while Khan hails from Jhunjhunu in Rajasthan but both were living in Noida on rent, the ATS said in a statement. The police have seized a laptop, three routers and related gadgets and equipment from the spot, it said. An FIR has been lodged at Knowledge Park police station in this regard.
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