Varanasi: A video of the misbehaviour of hotel staff with the aides of Lalu Prasad Yadav's elder son Tej Pratap Yadav, the minister in Nitish Kumar Cabinet, surfaced on social media. The incident took place on April 8 in the Varanasi Hotel. In the video, the hotel manager was seen sitting on his knees in front of Tej Pratap Yadav. According to sources, on April 8 during Yadav's Varanasi visit, the room, which was booked for the staff of Yadav, was vacated as the hotel forced them to do so. It is leant that Tej Pratap was not aware of the incident.
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The videos and photos of the incident have been circulated by aides of Tej Prasad Yadav. It is learnt that the staff of the minister lodged a complaint with the police stating that the hotel staff removed their belongings from the hotel room forcefully. Based on a complaint, the police started an investigation. It may be noted that the room in which Tej Pratap Yadav stayed has not been vacated.
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The police said that the room was booked for the staff of the Minister, who is accompanying him. Meanwhile, Tej Pratap Yadav's staff complained to the former over the hotel employees' rude behaviour. In turn, he rushed to the hotel and pulled up the staff. When the Minister was questioned by the manager, it seems he was sitting on his knees and tendering an apology for the incident. Meanwhile, Tej Pratap Yadav alleged that BJP is behind this whole incident.
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