Pilibhit: The police launched a probe into the video showing a Sikh youth being attacked by Holi revellers after forcibly applying colours on him in the Pilibhit district of Uttar Pradesh. The investigation comes after a purported video of the incident went viral on social media. In the purported video, a mob playing Holi is seen stopping a youth, who was riding a motorcycle.
As the youths are about to smear the colours on the Sikh youth, he resists by taking out his Kirpan (a traditional small sword), which Sikhs carry) and returns to ride his bike to leave the spot. But, as the Sikh youth is about to leave the spot, the youths manage to smear him with the colours, which infuriates him and he yet again takes out his Kirpan
However, this time, the Sikh youth is overpowered by the youths celebrating the Holi and smeared colours on him. In the meantime, one of the Holi-playing youths snatches the sword from the Sikh youth, who tries to pull it back in a tug of war that ensued between them. The fight soon turns ugly as one of the Holi-playing youths in the mob takes off the Sikh man's turban.
On Monday late evening, the video said to be of the Puranpur police station area surfaced on social media, which is being condemned by the Sikh community. Taking cognizance of the incident, Pilibhit Superintendent of Police Atul Sharma said he has instructed the Puranpur police to investigate the incident