Aligarh: In a shocking incident, an e-rickshaw driver has put his son “on sale” after being harassed by moneylenders in Aligarh district of Uttar Pradesh. On late Thursday evening, the victim Rajkumar sat at Gandhi Park intersection in the city with his wife and daughter with a placard hanging around his neck. On the placard, the man wrote that "I have to sell my son, my son is for sale" to demand justice.
As the family carried on the silent protest, a crowd of people gathered on the spot causing stir in the area. People tried to convince the man to end his protest. But the young man with a placard around his neck and a pot nearby, kept asking people to sell his son. While talking to the media, the victim Rajkumar said that he supports his family by driving an e-rickshaw, but he is troubled by heavy debt.
Also read: Harassed by moneylenders, man ends life in Rajasthan's Alwar
Because of this, the moneylenders often bully and harass him and beat him up and threw him out of the house along with his family, he said. Besides, his e-rickshaw has also been taken away by the moneylenders, added the victim Rajkumar. The victim said that he has been making the rounds of Mahua Kheda police station for many days for justice, but police have failed to lodge a FIR and take action against the culprits.
Rajkumar said that the inaction on part of the police forced him to take the extreme step of putting his son on sale. As soon as the local police received information about the incident, a team of police rushed to the spot and took the victim to the police station. A police official said that at the police station, he was assured of justice and sent back home.
Police have also launched an investigation into the alleged harassment by moneylenders.