Hapur: In a shocking video that went viral on social media, a group of 'kanwariyas' (pilgrims) was seen drinking liquor at Garhmukteshwar Ghat here.
The group was seen enjoying liquor while the moment is video-graphed by someone in their knowledge.
"They are seen drinking liquor in an area where it is prohibited. It's illegal. Those people are being identified. Their vehicles are being identified by their number plates. Legal action will be taken," said assistant superintendent of police Sarvesh Mishra.
Kanwar pilgrims or kanwariyas are the devotees of Hindu God, Shiva. Around this time of the year, scores of such devotees from across India, often wearing orange-coloured clothes with decorated pots on their shoulders, undertake the pilgrimage, called Kanwar Yatra, on foot during Saavan- a month in the Hindu calendar.
These pilgrims, majority of who are young men, visit Haridwar, Gaumukh and Gangotri in Uttarakhand and Sultanganj in Bihar to fetch waters from the River Ganga.
Later, the holy water is dispensed as offerings to Lord Shiva in temples.