Bijnor (UP): In a horrific incident, a man set his wife and two children on fire after there was a lack of food at his child's birthday party in Uttar Pradesh's Bijnor district. The wife was able to douse the flames however the children suffered around 30 percent burns and were admitted to the district hospital for treatment by the guests who were in the house. The mother of the children filed a complaint against her husband on Tuesday.
According to police, on October 30, Arun, a resident of Gopalpur village in Uttar Pradesh, who was intoxicated, poured petrol on his wife Vandana and his two children and set them on fire due to a sudden lack of food at his child's birthday party. His wife somehow managed to put off the fire but the children suffered about 30 percent burns. The guests immediately took them to the district hospital.
Also read: Rajasthan: Man sets himself on fire in protest against eviction
On Tuesday, Vandana filed a complaint against her husband at the Kotwali police station regarding the incident. Inspector Ravindra Vashisht of Kotwali police station said, "We have taken the man into custody and have started an investigation."