Mirzapur: In a first of its kind for 2019 Lok Sabha Elections, the Election Commission of India (ECI) has launched the 'cVigil' mobile app to conduct fair and smooth polls. Through this app, the common people will be able to file a complaint in case of any violation of the Model Code of Conduct during elections.
The cVigil team constituted for the election by the district administration will take action within 100 minutes upon receiving the complaint.
The mobile app allows users to upload pictures or videos of any violation of MCC within 5 minutes.
cVigil will work through GPS and record the complainant's location. After this, the user will get a unique ID which will enable him to take further action.
After the complaint is filed from the same location, the information will go to the District Control Room, then it will be passed to the Flying Squad Team (FST) after which necessary action will be taken within 100 minutes. The app will not accept any old picture or video.
The app will be effective from the date of elections and will work one day after voting takes place. However, the app will work only at the polling stations.
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