Azamgarh (Uttar Pradesh): In a bid to retrace their roots back in India, a couple reached Uttar Pradesh's Azamgarh from Trinidad and Tobago in search of their ancestral village. David Canon, along with his wife Marlin, reached Madakarmanath Patti under Raunapar police station area. The couple was welcomed by villagers and the local administration helped the couple throughout their journey.
Speaking to the media, Superintendent of Police (Rural) Rahul Dixit said, "David's ancestors were residents of Madakarmanath Patti village. David's great grandfather Ram Khilawan Maurya went to Kolkata as an indentured labourer at the age of 24 in 1906. In 1907, Maurya moved to Trinidad and Tobago from Kolkata. There, he was married to an Indian origin girl named Ramkali. And that is how they settled in Trinidad and Tobago."
Dixit further said, "David said that he did not know much about his ancestors until his mother met Dr Vinod Kumar Singh. After talking to the doctor for some time, they got to know that he belonged to Azamgarh in Uttar Pradesh. In conversation with Dr Vinod, David and his mother learnt about the village where their ancestors lived. It was after this that they decided to visit their ancestral village in India."
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David contacted the local administration, who cooperated with him to find his ancestral village. David reached here with his wife Marlin and the couple was welcomed by the villagers. The Pradhan of the village was also present on the spot and offered garlands to the couple. Superintendent of Police Anurag Arya, Additional Superintendent of Police Shailendra Lal helped the couple throughout their journey in the village, Dixit added. He also said that David sat with the villagers and asked about his ancestors and the villagers also told him about his family history. David promised the villagers to come again next year with his mother. David enjoyed his trip to his ancestral village.