Aligarh: Police booked a couple for allegedly beating a dog and dumping it in the garbage in the Dodpur area of Aligarh's Civil Line area in Uttar Pradesh on Thursday. The dog has been shifted to the hospital where its condition is said to be critical. The case was filed under section 429 and section 11 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act after a complaint by Jeev Daya Foundation in this regard.
Also read: UP: Dog beaten to death after it bites over two dozen people in Haridwar
According to Asha Sisodia, secretary of Jeev Daya Foundation, on Thursday a woman associated with the organisation informed her that a dog had been mercilessly beaten by the couple Vikram and Neetu in her area. The couple stuffed the dog in a sack and dumped it in a garbage heap. Sisodia said she, along with the members associated with the organisation, reached the spot and rescued the dog lying in the garbage and sent it to the hospital for treatment. According to Civil Line Station in-charge Pravesh Rana, a case has been registered in the matter and further action will be taken as per the rules.