Raebareli (Uttar Pradesh): In a bizarre incident, a bride eloped with her lover before 'Jaimala' on the day of the wedding in Uttar Pradesh's Raebareli on Wednesday night, the police said. The groom unable to accept the news, tried to kill himself on Thursday, the police said. The incident took place in the Dalmua area of the district.
According to the police, the marriage of Ajay Kumar was fixed with a woman from a nearby village on June 28. The groom reached the venue with the 'Baraat' and was received by the bride's family members. The police said that after a while the bride was nowhere at the venue. After some time, the groom's family were informed that the bride has eloped with her beau. The groom was upset and there was chaos at the venue.
Also read: In dramatic incident, police drags away bride minutes before wedding in Kerala
On receiving the information, the police reached the spot and enquired about the incident. The groom then returned home without the bride. Meanwhile, on June 29, the groom tried to kill himself and was severely injured. The family rushed Ajat to the nearby hospital where he was then transferred to the Lucknow Trauma Centre. The police said that the condition of the groom is stated to be critical.
SO Sharad Kumar of Police Station Gadaganj said that no complaint has been filed yet. Both parties were persuaded and the procession was sent back by the police team.
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