Ballia (UP): The police on Thursday took custody of BJP leader Dhirendra Pratap Singh who was arrested for allegedly shooting dead a man in Durjanpur village of the district during the allotment of a ration shop.
A Ballia court had on Wednesday remanded the BJP leader in police custody for two days.
Reoti SHO Praveen Singh took Dhirendra Singh's custody from the district jail, officials said without elaborating further.
He was later taken to his house in Durjanpur village, sources said.
Chief Judicial Magistrate Ramesh Kushwaha had remanded the BJP leader in police custody to enable the police to recover the murder weapon, a country-made pistol, from the accused and for his custodial interrogation as part of the ongoing probe into the case.
The court had remanded Dhirendra Singh in police custody for only two days, rejecting the prosecution demand for seven-day custody.
The BJP leader was arrested from Lucknow on Sunday.
Also read: Uttar Pradesh POCSO court sentences man to 15 yrs in jail for raping minor