Ayodhya (Uttar Pradesh) : Raju Das, the chief priest of Hanumangarhi temple in Ayodhya, has announced a reward of Rs 51,000 to the UP STF (Special Task Force), who had eliminated gangster Atiq Ahmed's son Asad Ahmed in an encounter. Asad, who is one of the main accused in Prayagraj's famous Umesh Pal murder case, is killed along with his accomplice, Ghulam Mohammad, in the encounter.
The UP STF carried out this encounter in the Babina area of the Jhansi district of the state. On this, where the UP Chief Minister has praised the STF team involved in the operation. At the same time, the saints of Ayodhya have also given their reaction and congratulated the UP STF team. The priests and sadhus have cautioned the gangsters to leave the State since the Yogi government will continue in power.
Ayodhya priest Raju Das advises mafia
Raju Das, the chief priest of Ayodhya's Hanumangarhi temple, has also issued a strong statement in this regard. He gave a piece of advice to all the goons and mafia of the state that as long as there is a BJP government in the state and Baba (Yogi Adityanath) is the Chief Minister, they should either leave the state or change their ideology.
Raju Das said that it was the demand of the state government and the UP STF that other criminals involved in the Umesh Pal murder case should also be similarly encountered and no one should be left out. Certainly, congratulations to the UP STF for this achievement and to the state government as well, the priest said.