Lucknow: An autorickshaw has been seized by the Uttar Pradesh police for carrying 26 passengers. According to the traffic constable, he stopped the auto and was surprised to find 26 passengers in the vehicle.
The incident took place at Fatehpur in Uttar Pradesh. Though an auto-rickshaw can carry six people, 27 passengers, including the driver, the elderly and children, were travelling in the vehicle. When the cop was counting the number of passengers, a passerby shot a video of it and uploaded it on social media, which went viral.
Earlier, the autorickshaw was stopped near the Bindki Kotwali area of Fatehpur while police were on duty to check it with a speed gun. According to local media, the over-speeding auto was chased by the police as they found that the vehicle was carrying passengers more than its capacity.
Also Read: Fear of being stolen again police handcuffs recovered autorickshaw