New Delhi/Ghaziabad: An attempt has been made to breach the security of the Hindon Airbase and the Ghaziabad airport, police said on Monday. The Uttar Pradesh Police found a four-feet suspicious pit, which was being dug, in the jurisdiction of the Tila Mod police station in Ghaziabad.
According to the police, a four-feet deep pit has been found in the lower part of the boundary wall of Hindon Airport, which is like a "tunnel". Local police officials reached the spot and started investigation. "We have started the process to close the pit," a senior police official said, adding a case under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) has been registered in this regard.
According to Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Shubham Patel, they received information that someone had dug a pit near the boundary wall and hence launched a probe. It is also understood that the officials of the Indian Air Force (IAF) officials also reached the spot and carried out an inspection. Police said that locals are also being questioned and the CCTV footage is being checked. In the past too, several unknown people have been caught entering the Hindon Air Force premises.
However, police said that this is the first time that a dug has been pit inside the premises of the Hindon Airbase.
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