Lucknow: Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw directed the Railway Board that no special treatment will be provided to any railway officer, who visits any station for inspection. The Railway Minister expressing his displeasure has advised the officers to forget the special arrangements.
Addressing an event, Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw said, "Railway officials have to change their mindset. They have to give up the habit of posing themselves as VIPs. During the inspection, they should not be made to feel that they are VVIPs. No red carpets should be laid for them. The officers should behave like professionals."
Also read: Ahmedabad-Delhi Sampark Kranti to be renamed Akshardham Express: Railway Minister
Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw expressed his displeasure over this and gave instructions to end this system. After the instructions of the Railway Minister, the Railway Board issued an order that there should be no VVIP arrangements. Railway Board Director Kuldeep Singh said that instructions have been given to end the traditional and annual inspection of General Managers in all zones and production units. On December 31, VK Tripathi, the then chairman of the Railway Board, gave the order to the general managers of all zones and production units. Now the new chairman of the Board AK Lahoti will issue new guidelines soon.