Rampur: For making the snide "underwear jibe" allegedly against film actor Jaya Prada, former SP leader Amar Singh described his former party colleague Azam Khan as "filth and muck" of Indian politics. He reached Rampur on Friday and attacked Azam Khan rather aggressively in an election rally.
Addressing a public gathering at Ram Manohar Lohia Park on Friday, Jaya Prada, the BJP Candidate from Rampur, said, "Azam Khan has insulted not only me but all the women of Rampur. Every woman wants to be respected but Azam Khan is compelled by his habits. People here are not going to forgive him."
"Azam Khan, I had called you a brother but you insulted me. Do our brothers look at us like 'naachne waalis'. That is why I wanted to leave Rampur," Jaya Prada said.
On the other hand, Former SP leader Amar Singh, chief guest of the meeting, too missed no words in criticising Khan for making an objectionable remark on his colleague and said, "If Jaya Prada loses this election then the women too will lose their identity. If a demon like Azam Khan wins this seat then it will be seen as a victory of Raavan, Duryodhan and Dushashan."
Singh also claimed that Khan was taking his name while electioneering despite knowing that he was in the hospital.
"I am a Kshatriya so it is my duty to fight the evil forces. At present, all the women and the people who respect women are supporting Jaya Prada," he added.
Earlier, National Commission for Women chairperson Rekha Sharma had expressed her disgust and Commission dashed a letter to the EC demanding cancellation of Azam' Khan's nomination from Rampur for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.
Polling for Rampur Lok Sabha seat will be held in the third phase on April 23.
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