Prayagraj: The Allahabad High Court rejected the bail plea of the wife of slain Amar Dubey who was an aide of Vikas Dubey, a gangster who is said to be the mastermind behind the killing of eight policemen in Kanpur's infamous Bikru encounter last year.
Khushi, the wife of Amar Dubey, allegedly instigated gangsters to hack policemen to death and she was also stated to have been atop a house adjoining Vikas Dubey's, during the entire course of the brutal assault. Earlier, she had sought bail on the ground that she was declared a juvenile by the concerned Juvenile Board on September 1, 2020.
However, denying her bail, the Bench of Justice JJ Munir said that mere being a minor does not entitle one to get bail and she seems to have actively participated in the crime where eight policemen were brutally killed and half a dozen injured. If she is granted bail, people will lose faith in the law and the justice system will fail.
"Not only the spontaneous elimination of eight policemen in action and six others left injured, is a horrendous crime that shook the conscience of the society, but also an act that strikes at the roots of the state's authority in its territory. It speaks about the unfathomable extent of the lack of fear of the state in the minds of those who conceived and executed the dastardly act," remarked the court.
Khushi has been booked under Sections 147, 148, 149, 302, 307, 396, 332, 333, 412, 353, 504, 506, 34, 120B of the Indian Penal Code, 18601 and Section 7 of The Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 1961 and Section 3/4 of the Explosive Substances Act, 1908. It is to be noted here that on July 3, 2020, when a police team went to arrest Vikas Dubey from his house in Bikru village of Kanpur Nagar, he and his associates opened indiscriminate fire on the police force, killing eight and injuring six others grievously.
Also Read: Gangster Dubey's wife objects to film on his life