Prayagraj (Allahabad): The Allahabad High court on Thursday dismissed the bail petition of Samajwadi Party leader Azam Khan and his son Abdullah Azam Khan who are arrested in a case of forgery for fraudulently obtaining a fake PAN card for the latter.
A single judge bench of Justice Suneet Kumar denied bail to the Lok Sabha MP from Rampur, Azam Khan, and his son saying that granting bail to them at this juncture will not be in the public interest.
"Having regard to the position and status of the accused persons, the repetition of the offences and the pervasive influence that applicants exercise in various departments of the State, there is a reasonable apprehension of the witnesses being influenced and danger to the course of justice being thwarted," said the bench.
"Accordingly, in the circumstances, the grant of bail at this stage would not be in the public interest," the bench added.
The bench asked the father-son duo to seek bail after the witnesses in the case are examined by the trial court.
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