Agra: A four-year-old girl's leg got stuck in a squat toilet in moving Avadh Express in Agra on Tuesday. Despite several attempts by her parents and other passengers, the leg could not be pulled out. After travelling 20 km, the train halted at Fatehpur Sikri station, where the toilet box was opened and the girl's leg was pulled out.
According to information, Mohammad Ali, a resident of Sitamarhi in Bihar was traveling in an AC coach (B6) of Avadh Express with his wife and daughter. They boarded the train from Agra Fort station on August 15. When the train left Idgah station, the girl's mother took her to the toilet. The woman made the child sit on the squat toilet.
At that time, her mobile phone rang. She received the call and started talking. Meanwhile, the girl who was sitting on the toilet seat suddenly slipped due to the train's movement and her leg got stuck. The girl's cries caught her mother's attention.
Initially, the woman herself tried to pull out her daughter's leg from the toilet hole. On failing, she raised an alarm. The girl's father and many co-passengers rushed to the toilet. Everyone tried to release the girl's leg but failed. The girl kept crying due to pain.
The passengers dialed the railway helpline number and sought help. By this time, the train had already travelled 20 km and halted at Fatehpur Sikri station, where the GRP, RPF and Railway officials came to the coach.
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Finding no other option to release the girl's leg, they decided to open the bio-toilet box under the toilet seat. The railway's technical team reached Fatehpur Sikri from Agra. After an effort of about 30 minutes, the team opened the bio-toilet box and finally the girl's leg was pulled out.
The Avadh Express had to halt at Fatehpur Sikri for around an hour due to the incident, railway officials said.