Nagar Kurnool (Telangana): In a heart-rending incident, a woman tossed her four children into the canal due to a family dispute. The shocking incident took place at Manganur village in Bijinepalli mandal of Nagar Kurnool district. According to the police, Sarabanda of Manganur village of Bijinepalli mandal and Lalitha of Vasurathanda fell in love and got married eight years ago. They have been blessed with three daughters Mahalakshmi (5), Satvika (4), and Manjula (3) and one son Marukondaiah (seven months).
Ten days ago, they reportedly had a heated argument over a trivial issue. On Saturday, Lalitha lodged a complaint against her husband Sharabanda at the Bijinepally police station and after coming out of the station, Lalitha, along with her four children, went to the MGKLI Canal near Bijinepally mandal headquarters. After going there, she threw her four children into the canal and she also jumped into the canal.
Locals, who witnessed the incident, immediately jumped into the canal and rescued the woman and retrieved the bodies of three children Mahalakshmi, Satvika and Manjula, but they could not trace the body of the seven-month-old infant. Based on a complaint of the family members, the police registered a case and are investigating.
A pall of gloom descended on the village and villagers were shocked after learning about the incident. The family members and relatives of the deceased are unable to digest that tiny tots are no more. They are consoling the kin of the deceased and are puzzled about what drove the mother to resort to the extreme step.