Hyderabad: Telangana Police on Wednesday seized Rs 34.40 lakh cash, and gold and silver ornaments worth Rs 9.13 lakh from a bank locker belonging to a police inspector, arrested in connection with a bribery case.
A case against him has been registered under the provisions of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988, for allegedly demanding bribe from a complainant.
"During the investigation, a locker of Axis Bank, Kanteswar Branch, in Nizamabad, found in the name of accused officer Indur Jagadish, Inspector at Kamareddy Police Station, and his wife, was opened. Net cash of Rs 34,40,200, gold ornaments weighing 182.56 gm and silver ornaments weighing 157 gm worth Rs 1,020 were found. Property documents were also found," an official release said.
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Inspector Jagadish, along with his aide M Sujay, was arrested on November 20 for allegedly demanding Rs 5 lakh from a complainant. Currently, searches are being conducted at various places in connection with this case.