Hyderabad: The four TRS MLAs, who were allegedly lured with money to quit the party and join the BJP, complained of receiving threat calls by unidentified persons, police said on Monday. Cases were registered under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code following separate complaints two days ago by the four MLAs -- Pilot Rohith Reddy, B Harshavardhan Reddy, Rega Kantha Rao and Guvvala Balaraju -- with the police of Raidurgam, Banjara Hills, Ghatkesar and Gachibowli respectively.
The legislators were allegedly threatened by the unknown callers. In the MLAs poaching case, based on a complaint by Pilot Rohith Reddy, cases under relevant sections - criminal conspiracy, offering bribe and provisions of the Prevention of Corruption Act - were filed against three persons -- Ramachandra Bharati alias Satish Sharma, Nanda Kumar and Simhayaji Swamy -- on October 26.
As per the FIR copy in poaching case, Rohith Reddy alleged that the accused offered him Rs 100 crore and in return the legislator had to leave the TRS and contest as a BJP candidate in the next Assembly election. The TRS government in Telangana on November 9 ordered the setting up of a seven-member special investigation team (SIT) to probe into the alleged poaching of the MLAs. (PTI)