Warangal: In a shocking incident, a serial fraudster allegedly insured and got killed an orphan beggar to grab the insurance money in Telangana's Warangal in December, police said. Four persons including a police constable who led the hitsquad were arrested by Warangal Police.
DCP Jagadeeswar Reddy identified the arrested the prime accused as Boda Srikanth of Warangal district Chennaraopeta mandal Bodathanda. The three other accused are Motilal, who works as head constable in Malkajigiri police station, Satish and Sammanna.
Boda is a serial fraudster, who has a penchant for frauds. In December, Boda hatched a conspiracy and insured an orphan beggar and planned to kill him to get the money, the DCP said. "He got him insured for Rs 50 lakh in a firm. Later, he hired Motilal, who works as head constable in Malkajigiri police station, along with Satish and Sammanna to kill the beggar," the senior cop said.
On December 22, 2021, the beggar was picked up in a car by the accused trio. They made him drink liquor in excess before they attacked him with a hockey stick and beat him to death. In their bid to cover up the murder, the body was dumped on the road after running the car over it twice to present it as an accidental death. While the police who recovered the body suspected foul place, their doubts were vindicated with the postmortem returning results describing injuries of ante-mortem (occurred before death) in nature.
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In the meantime, the prime suspect approached the financial company seeking credit of the death benefits on account of the beggar's death. He told the insurance firm that their driver had died in an accident. The firm in turn approached the police for the claim's verification, eventually tipping the latter of the criminals.
Investigations revealed that the claimant was no way related to the beggar. Sustained interrogations revealed the Boda masterminded the crime and executed the same with the dirty cop Motilal and his two accomplices. All four had been arrested and remanded to Judicial Custody. Police said Boda has a credit card fraud case pending against him with Nacharam police in Hyderabad.