Hyderabad: The Telangana government has decided to cancel the Village Revenue Officer (VRO) system in the state. Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar on Monday asked the district collectors to collect all the records concerning the department by 3 pm and submit them to the government by 5 pm.
Meanwhile, the district collectors expressed dissatisfaction over the government's decision of removing VRO to root out the corruption in the revenue department.
The cancellation of the VRO system has raised many concerns. Members of the revenue employees association questioned the government to clarify the current position of the VROs.
The government was planning to abolish the VRO system for the last one year as a part of the new Revenue Act.
During the 2019 Monsoon Assembly Session, Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao had said that the government is determined to wipe out the corruption in the revenue department. "If the employees indulge in the strike, it will only cause loss to them," he added.
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