Telangana: Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao has directed the irrigation officials to be cautious regarding the maintenance of the Kaleshwaram Project Barrages. He directed them to take all necessary precautions and measures while maintaining the gates, as lakhs of cusecs of heavy floodwater is coming from Pranhita.
The CM said he was happy that the Kaleshwaram project aimed at supplying water to 45 lakh acres of land; for industrial purposes and drinking water purposes to 80 per cent of the Telangana state; has been completed within a short span of time.
The CM went for a visit of the Kaleshwaram project in two helicopters to examine the River Basin, where water was stagnated 150 KMs above the Medigadda Barrage, the key Barrage in the Kaleshwaram project.
The CM reached the barrage from the Medigadda helipad. On this occasion, the CM offered flowers, Kumkum, Turmeric to River Godavari. He also dropped coins into the river. He has inquired from the officials, details about floodwaters reaching from Pranhita above Medigadda Barrage.
He also inquired from the officials about the amount of water that has flown down the Medigadda reservoir in this season so far. The CM asked the officials to open the gates based on the floodwater being received and maintain the water level in the river.
"After the floods are receded in the Godavari, all the gates should be closed," he said.
The CM has congratulated the L&T and irrigation officials for completing the Medigadda barrage on time. Later, the CM visited the Yagashala, which was utilised recently, and received memoranda from the people.
It was raining heavily in the Medigadda Barrage area before the CM’s visit, but it stopped before his arrival.
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