Hyderabad: A case has been registered against a BJP MLA for releasing some photos and a video of the victim girl in the gangrape case here, police said on Tuesday. Based on a complaint, accusing M Raghunandan Rao of revealing the identity of the minor girl by sharing photos and a video clip, the BJP leader was booked under section 228-A of the IPC, they said. On June 4, the BJP legislator at a press conference claimed that the youngster seen in the purported video was the son of an AIMIM MLA.
Alleging that an AIMIM MLA's son was involved in the gangrape, he had said they have more evidence to prove the connection of the "MLA's son". Though, he said the girl's face was not visible and the identity of the victim cannot be made out from the clip. The teenage girl, who visited a pub here on May 28 for a daytime party, was allegedly raped by five people, including three juveniles.
Also read: Hyderabad gang-rape case: Cops recover victim's ear piercings, hair strands and footwear from car
The girl was sexually assaulted in a Multi Purpose Vehicle (MPV) after the suspects had offered to drop her home in the vehicle, they said. So far four people were apprehended in connection with the case. The police are on the lookout for another suspect who is still at large. One of the teenage boys accused in the incident is alleged to be a son of a leader wielding power. (PTI)