Hyderabad: In a setback to TDP in Telangana, one of its spokespersons, B N Reddy joined the ruling TRS on Tuesday. Reddy joined TRS in the presence of its working president K T Rama Rao, TRS sources said.
TDP has not fielded candidates in Telangana for the Lok Sabha polls. It has decided, in principle, to support Congress candidates as per the latter's request. Having suffered large scale migration of its leaders to the ruling TRS in the last few years, TDP found its base substantially eroded in Telangana.
The latest major leader to switch over from TDP to TRS is former MP Nama Nageswara Rao who has been fielded by the TRS in Khammam Lok Sabha constituency. Nageswara Rao had earlier represented Khammam in Lok Sabha on behalf of TDP.
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