Hyderabad: In a disturbing incident, a stray dog was found carrying a newborn baby's head in Hyderabad's Vanasthalipuram on Sunday. According to eyewitnesses, the local residents were the first to spot the stray canine. "We saw the dog carry a baby's head in its mouth near Sahara States gate. Some of us chased and followed the animal, which dumped the head and ran away," an eyewitness requesting anonymity told ETV Bharat.
Police patrol party rushed to the scene soon after the residents alerted the Vanasthalipuram police station. The party began searching the area with the help of sniffer dogs to look for more body parts. They are also probing the case based on the CCTV footage. Preliminary investigations suggest the baby was two or three days old. The mortal remains were sent to a hospital for forensic examination.
Vanasthalipuram police who have also registered a case into the incident has been collecting the details of the newborn babies recently delivered from the state-run maternity hospitals across the district. "We will have to first identify the baby and then its parents to find out how this baby ended up here. We are already on it," said a senior police official.
Also read: Horrific! Four year old girl mauled by stray dogs in Bhopal