Hyderabad: The Election Commission of India (ECI) fired Munugode Returning Officer Jagannadha Rao over changing the 'road roller' symbol allotted to Yuga Tulasi party candidate Siva Kumar. Objecting that the returning officer changed the mark by using the authority he did not have, the EC complained that there was a serious error in the performance of his duty. It has been decided to change the RO.
Appointment orders for the new RO will be received by Thursday evening. The Central Election Commission, which examined the reports based on the complaint of the Yuga Tulasi party candidate Siva Kumar, first allotted the 'road roller' symbol and then concluded that the symbol was changed to a 'baby walker' without any information at least to the election observer. It is stated that no information was given to the concerned candidate regarding the change of symbol.
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The EC directed the state Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) to seek an explanation from the RO about the reasons for changing the symbol and to submit the report by Thursday evening. It issued a gazette notification by allotting the road roller symbol to Siva Kumar. Ballot papers also will be printed anew with the changed symbols.