Hyderabad: Sidha Ramulu, a farmer at Pedda Mallareddy Bikkanur Mandal of Kamareddy District in Telangana, allegedly died by suicide on Sunday. His family members, who allege that he killed himself due to a border dispute, refused to bring the body down from the tree he hanged in until they get justice.
According to the deceased's family members, there was a border dispute between Sidha and his neighbour for a while. The dispute was about which portion of the agricultural land belonged to Sidha and from what point neighbour's land began. A few days back, the neighbour decided to create a fence with cement rods, covering the part of the agricultural land he considered belonged to him.
Since Sidha Ramulu's protests fell on deaf ears, he decided to take the matter into his own hands and removed the fencing. Angered by Sidha's actions, the neighbour complained at the police station. Two days earlier, Sidha Ramulu was called to the police station, where cops conducted an inquiry.
Feeling ashamed and humiliated because he was called to a police station, his family alleges he took his life by hanging himself on a tree, in his agricultural land. His family gathered after the suicide and stopped the police from bringing down the body. They demanded justice for the death of Sidha Ramulu and a clear solution to the land dispute before they would allow for his body to be taken away for postmortem.
After nearly 48 hours of persuasion, the family finally agreed on Monday evening to bring down his body for postmortem.