Hyderabad: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) officials have confiscated the assets of a former Income tax department official from the state. The Ed has provisionally attached Rs. 7.33 crore worth immovable properties of Andasu Ravinder in connection with disproportionate assets case registered under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, said a statement from the Directorate.
The assets belong to Andasu Ravinder from Khammam district who was working as Additional Commissioner in Chennai IT Department. In August 2011, Andasu allegedly received illegal gratification of Rs 50 lakh for resolving tax related disputes. The ED had initiated a money laundering investigation based on an FIR registered by the CBI against Andasu, according to which he had accumulated assets beyond his income.
The officials of the investigating agency conducted searches in Chennai, Hyderabad, and Bangalore. ED officials have registered another case and are investigating from the point of view of the diversion of funds. ED alleged that "Andasu Ravinder was indulged in the criminal act of possession and generation of assets beyond his income".
Between January 1, 2005, and August 28, 2011, disproportionate assets of Rs. 2,32,20,296 were generated by the former IT department officer. ED officials have assessed that five immovable properties have been procured through the proceeds from illegal gratification. The value of the assets provisionally attached under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) is Rs.7.33 crores. Andasu was compulsorily retired from service on charges of corruption.