Hyderabad: Just days after the 5G launch in the country, Cyber police in Hyderabad have warned about cyber frauds by online fraudsters duping customers in the name of 5G services. Officials said that cybercriminals have targeted mobile users in 13 metro cities, including Delhi, Mumbai, and Hyderabad wherein people are being sent links claiming to 'switch from 4G to 5G'.
However, Cyber police warned that clicking on such links sent through APK (Android Application Package) files will take users to scam links putting the users' personal data at risk. “As they are malware files, they sneak into the cell phone giving access to confidential information to the cybercriminals. If there are personal pictures and other secrets in the phone, the cybercriminals can blackmail the users,” a Cyber Police official said.
Experts further warn that the APK files can also put the user IDs and passwords in online banking transactions at risk of hacking. The cybercriminals send tempting messages to the user like 'We chose you because you are a valuable customer, 'To change from 4G to 5G, you have to change the SIM' and 'We are giving you a chance without such a need' to lure the customers.
Also read: Airtel rolls out 5G Plus in 8 cities, no SIM change required
“Some agree to their terms with the feeling that if they don't, they will lose the opportunity. The criminals then suggest paying a nominal fee either by scanning the UPI ID or the QR code sent by them. Even if you scan that code and make payments through UPI ID, the entire money in your account is being transferred to the criminals' account,” a cyber police official warned.
Technology Expert, Nallamotu Sridhar clarified that previously, while switching from 3G to 4G, the SIM had to be changed which is not needed now. Telecom companies have made available the technology of getting 5G services on 4G SIM only, he said. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday, October 1 launched the 5G network service at the 6th India Mobile Congress in New Delhi.
The upgraded telecom apparatus, which is largely restricted to 4G till now, is gradually expected to create a nationwide network, enabling users to unlock further services and faster connectivity.