Hyderabad (Telangana): The Special Investigation Team (SIT) probing the MLAs poaching case questioned Chitralekha, wife of one of the arrested accused K Nand Kumar, and lawyer Pratap Goud from Amberpet, Hyderabad, for eight hours. Busarapu Srinivas, a lawyer from Karimnagar, was also given the notice to attend the trial.
The SIT found that Pratap Goud had given a huge amount of money to Nanda Kumar. During questioning, Pratap Goud reportedly got confused and broke down. Pratap Goud initially said he did not know anything about bribing MLAs, but it was reported that he told the truth after being questioned several times.
The accused K Nand Kumar, Ramachandra Bharati and Simhayaji have admitted that they have given a huge amount of money believing that they will be given a key post under the central government. In this regard, it is reported that many conversations between the accused and Pratap Goud have come to the fore, as they were recorded in Pratap Goud's phones, which were seized by the SIT.
The SIT summoned Pratap again on Saturday for another round of questioning. The police are also considering registering another case of collecting money for giving a post. They advised Pratap Goud to come for the hearing on Saturday as well. The police believe that Nandakumar acted as a liaison between Ramachandra Bharati, Simhayaji and MLAs. Nanda Kumarspoke to Tandur MLA Rohit Reddy about the remaining two accused. The officials found that Nanda Kumar had sent Some of the screenshots related to this to his wife Chitralekha through WhatsApp.
Also read: MLA poaching case: BJP's Santhosh, Tushar yet to appear before T'gana SIT
Upon being questioned by the SIT, Chitralekha was asked about Nand Kumar's role and meetings with other accused initially flatly denied knowledge regarding this. When asked about why Ramachandra Bharati and Simhayaji stayed at Nanda Kumar's house for two days, Chitralekha said that they stayed for some puja. Chitralekha has been summoned on Monday for another round of questioning. Another advocate from Karimnagar was also given the notice to attend the trial, but he skipped the quizzing.