Hyderabad (Telangana) : The SIT and ED officers have sped up the investigation and nabbed two more persons in the TSPSC (Telangana State Public Service Commission) paper leak case. The SIT (Special Investigation Team), which has already arrested and interrogated 19 people in this case, has now arrested two more people - Bhagwant and Ravi Kumar.
These two persons were accused of buying the TSPSC question papers. SIT officials said that Bhagwant bought the AE (Assistant Engineer) paper from Dakya Naik (husband of Renuka who bought papers from the main accused Praveen) for his younger brother Ravi Kumar. It is said that Bhagwant is working in the Vikarabad MPDO's (Mandal Parishad Development Officer's) office.
SIT officials said that this matter was revealed during the investigation into the transactions found in Dakya Naik's bank account. The SIT officials said that their investigation revealed that Bhagwant had bought AE (assistant engineer) paper for Rs 2 lakh from Dakya Naik. These papers were procured by Dakya through his wife, a teacher who secured these question papers from main accused and TSPSC employee Praveen Kumar.
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Actually, Dakya's wife bought the question papers for her brother. Later, she together with her husband sold the papers to other aspirants of the Telangana government job recruitment examination. The TSPSC job scam surfaced in March and led to the cancellation of the Group 1, Assistant Engineers (AEs), AEE, and DAO exams. An assistant section officer and a network admin at TSPSC played a key role in the leak of these question papers which created a huge sensation in the State.