Chennai (Tamil Nadu): In a shocking incident, a youth was stabbed to death by a group of three persons after a drunken brawl outside an eatery in Chennai. The incident took place at a biryani shop near Mannuerpet in Ambattur. The deceased was identified as Balaji alias Bala, a resident of Koratur Reddy Street. The police have registered a case and have arrested three persons. Further investigation into this case is on, police sources said. The entire incident was caught on a CCTV camera installed nearby.
Police sources said that the incident occurred after an argument broke out between Bala and a group of men who were under the influence of alcohol outside a biryani shop. Bala, who was waiting for his Biryani had a heated argument with the gang. The argument soon took a violent turn and one of the members of the gang stabbed Bala multiple times. They also slit Bala's throat.
Police sources further said that on information, Ambattur industrial estate police rushed to the spot. However, the miscreants managed to escape from the spot before the police arrived. Bala was taken to a nearby hospital, where the hospital authorities declared him brought dead. A case has been registered and the police have initiated a probe into this incident. The Police examined the CCTV footage and identified three persons namely Ajith, Venkat and Shankar and arrested them.
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