Cuddalore (Tamil Nadu): In yet another incident of caste discrimination, a Dalit panchayat president in Cuddalore district was not allowed to sit on her seat during the meetings besides being prevented from hoisting the tricolour in the recently concluded I-day celebrations at the hamlet which is about 200 km from Chennai.
The incident came to light after a picture of Rajeshwari, president of Therkuthittai Panchayat, seated on the floor during a meeting which was held on July 17, made it to the social media on Friday night.
Based on her complaint, Bhuvanagiri police have registered a case against the civic body's vice president Mohanraj, and secretary Sindhuja under the provisions of the Scheduled Castes and Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act on Saturday.
District Administration has conducted an inquiry into the incident and placed secretary Sindhuja under suspension.
Rajeshwari alleged that it was Mohanraj who hoisted the tricolour and not her during the Independence day celebrations.
"We were making preparations for flag hoisting. We went and began inviting people. He (Mohanraj) asked what were we up to and wondered who we are to make such arrangements. Snubbed, we left the spot. He was the one who presided the celebrations with his father hoisting the national flag. Right from the day I was sworn in, I was not allowed to sit in the chair. It is Mohanraj who sits on the president's chair. I was made to sit on the floor during the meetings while other members are given chairs", she said.
DMK MP Kanimozhi who condemned the incident wanted the state to take stern actions on the perpetrators.
"People should understand caste is the biggest stupidity. Movements like Dravidar Kazhagam, DMK, and Thanthai Periyar Iyakkman are striving to put an end to this mentality", she told the reporters at Chennai Airport.
Cuddalore District Collector Chandra Sekhar Sakhamuri and Superintendent of Police M Sree Abhinav visited the village and recorded the statements of the aggrieved Rajeshwari.
"We have issued show-cause notices to the vice president who is on the run. The arrest of the vice president will shed more light into the incident", Sakhamuri said.
Abhinav said the other members have also been sensitised on what was transpiring.
"There would not be any issue for the president hereafter. Adequate measures are in place to ensure her safety as well"
Responding to the allegations, Mohanraj had maintained that he only chided Rajeshwari as her husband was meddling with the affairs of the civic body.
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