Chennai: A Village Administrative Officer (VAO) was hacked to death on Tuesday in southern Tamil Nadu by a two-member gang for lodging a complaint against one of them for smuggling sand and the prime accused is arrested, police said. Terming the killing as horrific, Chief Minister M K Stalin announced a solatium of Rs 1 crore to the kin of the deceased officer and government job to a person from the slain VAO's family. The Chief Minister said the government lauded the slain VAO's sense of duty and his commitment to work and his killing has caused grief and anguish. A police probe is on for further action, he said.
An official release here said 53-year-old Lourdes Francis, the VAO of Morappanadu Kovilpathu in Srivaikundam taluk of Thoothukudi district was assaulted by the two men using machetes while he was at work on Tuesday in his office. The VAO sustained severe injuries to his head and hands and he was rushed to Tirunelveli Government Medical College Hospital. However, he succumbed to his injuries.
Of the two men who assaulted the VAO, a person identified as Ramasubbu was immediately arrested. According to preliminary probe, Ramasubbu was enraged as a sand smuggling case was filed against him following a complaint by the VAO to police. He along with another person assaulted the officer causing grievous injuries leading to his death. Further probe is on by police. Stalin conveyed his condolence to the bereaved. The solatium would be provided from the Chief Minister's Public Relief Fund. (PTI)