Chennai: A total of 15.18 lakh laptops worth Rs 1,340.44 crore is to be distributed to students during this academic year. Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K Palaniswami handed over seven laptops to students at a function held at the Secretariatto mark the launch of the scheme for 2018-19.
Laptops worth Rs 5,552.39 crore benefiting 37.88 lakh students were distributed between the academic years 2011-12 and 2017-18, an official press release said.
School education minister K A Sengottaiyan, Local administration minister S P Velumani and IT Minister M Manikandan were among those present on the occasion.
Dubbed as one of the flagship schemes of the ruling AIADMK, the scheme was formally rolled out by the late chief minister and party supremo J Jayalalithaa in 2011.
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