Chennai (Tamil Nadu): DMK MP Kanimozhi demanded apology from Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Tamil Nadu chief K Annamalai for 'disrespecting' the state anthem 'Tamil Thai Vazthu' during BJP's election campaign in Karnataka's Shimoga district. Taking to Twitter, Kanimozhi said, "How can someone who could not stop his party members from degrading 'Tamil Thai Vazthu', care about people of Tamil Nadu?"
Countering DMK leader, Annamalai in a tweet shared an old news clip of then Opposition Leader and present chief minister of Tamil Nadu M K Stalin in which it was reported that after hoisting the national flag at an event, the National Anthem was not played.
In the tweet, Annamalai said, "Do you need all this with a leader who doesn't know to play the national anthem after hoisting our national flag? Isn't yours the history of removing the line "Kannadamung Kalitelungum Kavinmalayalamum Tuluvum" from the Tamil Thai state anthem and sowing the division of the state?"
He added, "Our only mission is to save the Tamil people from you and DMK's cheap politics. do not worry!" According to a viral video of the event, the state anthem of Tamil Nadu, Tamil Thai Vazthu played on stage during a BJP election campaign event in Karnataka's Shimoga was stopped midway by Senior BJP leader KS Eswarappa and asked to play Karnataka state anthem.
The event occurred on Thursday and was attended by BJP Tamil Nadu chief and Karnataka in-charge K Annamalai. The polls for the 224-seat assembly in Karnataka will take place on May 10 and the counting of votes will be held on May 13. (ANI)