Chennai: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has registered a case against an NRI or running a child pornography racket, officials said. A case has been registered against Raja Subramaniam alias Sam John alias Aditya Karigalan, who is originally a resident of Trichy near Manaparai, and had shifted to Germany.
The CBI sleuths have seized important documents, hard disks, laptops, and mobile phones during the raid launched at the residence of the accused in Trichy on Thursday.
Also read: CBI officials raid house in Tamil Nadu's Trichy in child porn racket case
The raid was launched following specific intelligence by Interpol from Germany regarding the distribution of child pornography online through a company operating in the country. CBI officials from Delhi arrived in Trichy on Thursday morning.
After getting permission from the Trichy district court, they raided the house in Poomalaipatti near Manapparai in connection with an alleged porn video racket. Raja has been accused of being a part of this racket. CBI officials said that further investigation into the case is going on.