Viluppuram (Tamil Nadu): The district authorities on Wednesday sealed the Dharmaraja Draupadi Amman Temple at Melpathi village in Villuppuram district of Tamil Nadu to avert a clash between two communities. There has been a rift between the dominant caste and the Dalits over the issue of entry into the temple. In April this year, a row erupted after the Dalits were denied access to the temple.
The Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments (HR&CE) department runs the temple. There were multiple talks held by the district administration to break the impasse, however, they could not find any solution. On the orders of Viluppuram District Revenue Commissioner Ravichandran, the Dharmaraja Draupadi Amman Temple was sealed. The officials sensing a law and order issue, have prohibited the entry of both the communities inside the temple.
"Extraordinary situations prevail in the village because of the problem between two sections, over worshipping. This gives chances for law and order issues. Considering this, till a conclusion is attained, both sections are not allowed inside the temple," read the notice put up on the temple gate.
Earlier on Monday, an all-party delegation, led by Villupuram Member of Parliament (MP) D Ravikumar, met Villupuram Collector C.Palani. They submitted a memorandum asking that all devotees, without any caste discrimination, be allowed inside the Draupadi Amman temple. D Ravikumar urged the "district administration to intervene and ensure that all devotees, without caste discrimination, be allowed inside the temple." "The administration should take action against those who prevent Adi Dravidars from entering the temple," he said.
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