Omandurar (Tamil Nadu): Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi Palanisamy on Friday visited 500-bedded special COVID-19 ward at the Government Medical College Hospital at Omandurar here. The hospital has isolation, step down wards and ventilators.
The state government on Friday issued appointment orders to 1,508 lab technicians, 500 doctors and 1,000 nurses for immediate joining.
"Considering the current situation of COVID-19, appointment orders are issued to 1,508 lab technicians, 500 doctors and 1,000 nurses for immediate joining. State to immediately increase its ambulance fleet with 200 new ambulances," said the government.
According to the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), the cases of infections are rising every day. According to the latest update, the number of coronavirus cases has risen to 724 in the country.
(ANI Report)
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