Chennai (Tamil Nadu): The Madras High Court on Saturday opined that Sanatana Dharma is a collection of duties including eternal duties of Hindus, duty to the nation and duty to the parents.
On the occasion of former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister and DMK founder CN Annadurai's birth anniversary, a circular was issued in Tiruvarur Government College of Arts and Science to share ideas on Sanatana Dharma. The spokesperson of the Hindu Front, Ilangovan, had filed a case in the Madras High Court.
When the case came up for hearing before Justice N. Seshasai on Saturday, the government informed that the circular issued by the college had been withdrawn. Judge Seshasai, who recorded this and closed the case, explained that Sanatana Dharma is a set of duties including the eternal duties of Hindus, duty to the nation, and duty to parents.
Are these duties voidable, and should not the citizen love the country? Isn't it a duty to serve the country? Isn't it a duty to take care of parents? the Judge also questioned.
Stating that there is a perception that Sanatana promotes casteism and untouchability, the Judge said that untouchability cannot be tolerated in the country and all citizens are equal.
Stating that some bad practices in religious customs may be in circulation without knowing it, the Judge questioned why the crop should be uprooted for that, except that they should be weeded out. Colleges can encourage students to eradicate untouchability. Noting that every religion is founded on beliefs, the judge directed that it should be ensured that no one is hurt in the name of freedom of expression.
Also read: Sanatan Dharma should be fully respected, says T S Singh Deo