Chennai: The results for Class 12th board examinations in Tamil Nadu that were held in March were declared on Thursday, with 92.3 per cent students clearing them and girls outperforming boys by a margin of over five per cent.
The Higher Secondary examinations were held from March 2 to 24, 2020. A total of 7,79,931 students had appeared for the exams through different schools.
Tirupur topped the charts among the districts, scoring a 97.12 pass percentage, according to the statistics released by the Directorate of Government Examinations (DGE).
The overall pass percentage was better than last year, which stood at 91.3 per cent. This year too, girls put up a better show than boys, with 94.80 per cent of the 4,24,285 candidates clearing the exams. The pass percentage of boys was 89.41 per cent.
The difference in pass percentage between girls and boys stood at 5.39 per cent.
Besides Tirupur, Erode (96.99 per cent) and Coimbatore with 96.39 per cent shared the top honours regarding pass percentage.
Further, 62 prison inmates also appeared for the exams and 50 of them passed, the DGE said.
PTI report
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