Chennai: Unidentified miscreants hurled a petrol bomb at a car belonging to Vincent Raja, former District Secretary of AIADMK MGR Youth wing, on Monday. The incident took place at a tar plant owned by Raja at Melakkavanur in Ramanathapuram. According to police, a security guard had parked the vehicle inside the plant on Sunday night. At 2:45 am, a bang was heard and few people were seen fleeing the spot after hurling a petrol bomb at Raja's luxury car, eyewitnesses were quoted as saying by the police.
"Police are scanning CCTV footages to identify the miscreants," a police official said. A probe has been launched to nab the attackers. Meanwhile, Raja has accused former minister RB Udayakumar and Ramanathapuram District Secretary Muniyasamy of carrying out the attack.
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"I fear that they are behind this attack. My life is in danger. If anything wrong happens to me, they should be held responsible," Raja claimed. Notably, Vincent Raja was removed from the post of a primary membership of the party a few days ago following the release of a leaked audio clip of him talking to Sasikala on a phone call.
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