Chennai: In a shocking incident, an elderly mentally challenged couple died after the husband set his wife on fire over an argument on eating Biryani and was himself engulfed in flames in Ayanavaram area of Tamil Nadu capital Chennai on Monday. An official said that the man identified as Karunakaran (75) bought Briyani and ate it alone on which his wife Padmavathi (66) started an argument with him.
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An enraged Karunakaran poured kerosene on his wife and set her on fire. Padmavathi hugged her husband leaving him also in flames. The neighbors, who saw smoke emanating from the house rushed to the spot and extinguished the flames engulfing the couple by pouring water on them. Ayanavaram Police also rushed to the spot and rescued the couple with 50 percent of the burns and shifted the husband-wife to Kilapakkam Government Hospital where both succumbed during treatment.
Aynavaram police have registered a case and are investigating the incident. The couple said to be mentally challenged are survived by 4 children.