Chennai: One after the other allegations of sexual abuse are flying thick and fast against popular Tamil creative writer Konangi. It was a Facebook post of Karthick Ramachandran, unmasking the renowned author, which opened up Pandora's box. Soon others followed as if they were waiting for someone to open up first.
Considered as an important creative writer in Tamil, Konangi's birth name is Elangovan and his elder brother Tamil Selvan is president of the Tamil Nadu Progressive Writers and Artists Association (TNPWAA) while his younger brother, Muruga Bhoopathi, runs a theatre troupe, 'Manalmagudi'.
Many youths were drawn towards Konangi, and the theatre troupe of which he was associated, in the hope of entering the world of arts. But, for many it had turned out to be a place of sexual exploitation which they have suffered in silence. In 2021, the Tamil Nadu government honoured Konangi with the 'Ilakkiya Maamani' (Literary Pearl) award.
Konangi's works include 'Mathinimargal Kathai' (Stories of Behenjis) and the novels 'Pithira' and 'Pazhi'. With an engagement in the literary world for over three decades, Konangi (66), was an attraction for many aspiring writers as well as artists and he too relished being a mentor. And this proved to be his undoing and fall from grace.
Dropping a bombshell, Karthick says “Sexual violence of Konangi has been normalised. Dozens of young theatre artists and readers have been abused continuously and they too will open up. I have gained confidence only after a decade. Artistes are more vulnerable than the art. For, in the troupe we were told not to go public as that would end the theatre art.”
“I was an undergraduate student of physics at American College in Madurai and got introduced to 'Manalmagudi' and joined the troupe in 2013. It gave an opportunity for a teen like me to meet people outside the family circle. Konangi used to call me for typing manuscripts, a ruse to abuse me. Since I was unaware of sexual abuse, I trusted Konangi and considered Bhoopathi as my godfather. Later on, I was rattled at the phone calls from Konangi and avoided them. But, Bhoopathi would force me to help in the typing work,” he narrates.
“Konangi's justification was this was how literary giants Mouni and Nagulan tutored him to learn the art of creative writing. It was through this, literary genius is transferred for generations and you too will get it, was his reasoning. I was made to believe that my psychological trauma due to sexual exploitation was necessary to become a creative artist. When I entertained thoughts of suicide, I came into family protection and kept off from Konangi and Bhoopathi. In 2023, a budding actor there, Jayaprakash, disclosed that he had social anxiety due to sexual abuse,” reads his post.
Subsequently, Shyam Sundar Vel and a few others have come out in the open. “The victim himself has been made to suffer guilty consciousness so as to worship Konangi as a saint by his supporters and the institutions that protect him. Even now the two are unrepentant,” fumes Shyam.
But, Konangi remains defiant, saying that this is a conspiracy to defame him and 'Manalmagudi' on its silver jubilee year. In his reaction to select media, he had said, “I am deeply pained at this complaint. I was instrumental in the growth of Karthick emerging as an excellent translator. He himself had praised me in his FB posts. He and others are being instigated by some forces.” After complaints started pouring in, he switched off his mobile.
Condemning Konangi, his brother Tamil Selvan said “No doubt, I stand with the victims. I will do my best to correct Konangi. I can't remain aloof with mere condemnation. I do not know how to console the victims. How to recover from this fall is yet unclear.” In a statement, TNPWAA general secretary Adhavan Dheetchanya expressed solidarity with the victims and assured that the organisation would stand with them in their future course of action seeking redressal.
While many writers like S Ramakrishnan, scriptwriter for Rajnikant's 'Baba', were very forthright in their condemnation, prolific author Jeyamohan, screenplay writer of Maniratnam's 'Ponniyin Selvan', has curiously enough refrained from making any condemnation. In his blog, he writes “Konangi could tender a public apology. The condemnations that have come are enough punishment. Now, he will be heart broken and alienated from family, friends should extend support so that he recovers from this.”