Erode (Tamil Nadu): Following bad weather, a private helicopter with four persons on board made an emergency landing on farmland in Tamil Nadu's Erode on Saturday. The helicopter was chartered by a couple, 65-year-old Bharath and his 60-year-old wife Sheela from Karnataka, who was travelling to Kerala for treatment.
The helicopter with the couple, pilot, and co-pilot made the emergency landing at the Kadambur in Athiyur village hills as poor weather conditions prevailed over Satyamangalam forest lands.
After the incident, there was a stir in the area and the villagers at the site to see the helicopter. Meanwhile, police were deployed to safeguard the helicopter. All the four people on board were safe and resumed their journey back to Kerala after the weather condition improved.
READ: Emergency landing of Air Force MI8 helicopter at Kolhapur; major accident averted